lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Photography rally

1. From a dog's point of view:

2. From a bird's point of view:

3. Find your initials:

4. Play with toys:

5. Abstract details:
6. Be egotistic:

7. Freeze the moment:

8. Tell a joke:

9. Create a story:

10. Absent-minded friends:

11. Play with food:

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020


In this ad we can see how sexually is the image of the women used, they are been stereotyped to be thin and use attractive high heels. Moreover, she is supposed to be exposed as an object for the white men standing in front of her, underestimating her worth as a human.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


This week we were asked to create a kind of "pitch" or draft of a story in comic version. As we could not use this idea on the human rights video, Paula and I decided to change it a bit and use the plot for this task. The plot consist on a kid who normalizes a bullying attitude (owning to his father's) and he starts spitting out every single negative thought that crosses his mind. His classmates, pissed off, tell him about it, and he does not handle the criticisism very well. Finally, he apologizes and then realizes they were not that offended.

Human rights video

We did not upload anything because we are still deciding which story to develop.