lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

Language activities EDL (Paula and Ekhi)

This 26th of September is the European Day of Languages and we will be organising some activities with people of 4th DBH. One of them will be a quiz about languages, asking them the different meanings of foreing words or some curiosities about european languages or countries.

For example, some of them will be:
1-What's the language that has the longest word?(Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz)
2-Whats the language with the longest alphabet?
 a-Chinese b-Greek c-Cambodian d-Indonesian
3-How many official languages are spoken in Europe?(24)
4-Which is the second most spoken language in the world?
5-In how many ways can we say "rain" in Hawaiian.
6-Some words in both Spanish and English mean and are pronounced the same way so, how many Spanish words would be able an English speaker to understand? (about 3000)

T-shirt contest (Nahia and Ekhi)

As the European day of Languages is right behind us, we, the audiovisual culture class, have come up with the idea of drawing different designs for this year's competition. We, Ekhi and Nahia, will be sharing this entry. Thus, we'll explain two different designs we have doodled together:

The first though I had once I heard the topic was to draw a European map, and then add the different elements that communicating embraces, as hearing, talking, reading, and a bunch of physical information (smilling, pouting...).
As usual in this matter, the first two colors we have been using are light green and blue; and for the facial expression illustration we have been coloring them with both black and white (which we do not need at all, because we get it by just leaving the space in blank).

Later, we discussed the topic fiercely, starting with a brainstorm and getting rid of the scarce ideas. After that, we finally got the idea clearly pictured in our minds, and Nahia worked at home on it.
It's basically a similar idea but the map would be into an open book (because one of the most, if not the most, used way of comunicating is the written one), with the page marked by a blue bookmark and with little yellow stars on it.

The importance of audio visuals

Since the beginning of the Internet, we've been using it as a way to communicate, entertain, work and a bunch of more things. We relay on it at least 5 hours a day (in my case the average "slightly" increases to 8 hours). Thus, i can not imagine my daily rutine without my mobile phone.

As soon as I wake up, I check the main social medias, where I use to spend quarter an hour, if not more, and I do not get a spare of it until I leave it in my bag. I would not use them as much when child, but guess they caught me.

Concerning to school time, I find them a catchy way of working, even though is still unbeknownst to us how to take advantage of them in the most efficient way.

To sum up what I have said, I'll emphasize the fact that I would find it nearly impossible to live without a mobile device or technological gadget which worked likewise.

Language questions (Nahia and Ekhi)

1. In how many different languages can you greet someone?
    I guess I can do it in 5 languages, Basque, Spanish English, French and German. 
     In 3, Basque, Spanish and English. 
2. In how many different languages can you count from 1 to 10 ?
    In four, Basque, Spanish, English and German.
     In Basque, Spanish and English.
3. Can you write your name in different alphabets (such as Greek or Cyrillic)
     Neither do I.
4. Identify 5 words in your language that are the same in other languages:
    Pizza, Taxi, Bus, Corner, Volleyball
5. Identify 3 words in your language that mean different things in other languages (false friends!).
    Compass, sensible and sensitive
6. Have you ever read a comic book in a foreign language? And a book?
    Yes. I'm on it.
     Likewise. As well.
7. How is the person you know who speaks more languages and discovered why he/she speaks so many.
    I don't need friends, they disappoint me. I know myself.
8. Have you ever memorized a song in another language?
      So do I.
9. Have you ever switched the language of your phone or tablet to a foreign language?
10. Do you listen to a radio station in a foreign language?
11. Do you change to original version when watching documentaries, sports or films on tv?
12. Do you know any joke in a foreign language?
      I can't think of any right now.
      Neither do I.
13. When on holiday in another country, have you ever used the language of the country to greet people, order food or perform other everyday tasks?
14. What do you dare to do in a foreign language?
      Everything but speaking it.
      Everything I please.