lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

The importance of audio visuals

Since the beginning of the Internet, we've been using it as a way to communicate, entertain, work and a bunch of more things. We relay on it at least 5 hours a day (in my case the average "slightly" increases to 8 hours). Thus, i can not imagine my daily rutine without my mobile phone.

As soon as I wake up, I check the main social medias, where I use to spend quarter an hour, if not more, and I do not get a spare of it until I leave it in my bag. I would not use them as much when child, but guess they caught me.

Concerning to school time, I find them a catchy way of working, even though is still unbeknownst to us how to take advantage of them in the most efficient way.

To sum up what I have said, I'll emphasize the fact that I would find it nearly impossible to live without a mobile device or technological gadget which worked likewise.

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