viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

Comercial Vagina-U

 We've been working on this project since october, and we are really fond of it as we pulled our weight in order to prepare it the best we could. We though about representing the menstruation as a creepy man, and Oihane and I were two human beings with functional vaginals. Finally, Dune was the Vagina-U, saving us from suffering.

The video was ornamented with a family-friendly song, "Mr.Sandman", socially related to happiness (as it is very tipic on cat videos).

Comercial Vagina-U


miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

Logo and storyboard

We had a hard time deciding which idea for a logo would be the most suitable one, but we finally came up with the best composition. We decided to overlap a kind of circle-shaped triangle with another one. As background, we chose a pink one, representing the so-called pink rate added to the menstruational products. It also resembles the shape of a vagina, strenghtening our innovative brainwave.

We came up with this original comercial, where Asier stars as the menstruation, Oihane and I as two vagina owners, and Dune as the Vagina U.

Comercial Vagina-U

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019


For this task we were asked to upload a photo we have taken recently, commenting why have we chosen this picture among among the ones taken recently (why does it stand out), commenting the technical sides of it in terms of lighting, colours, scenery...

In this photo we can see two friends (a friend of mine and I) posing on a veranda in the limit of Zurriola beach.
I chose this pic before any other due to its vivid colours (the ones refracted in the sky and clouds) and the awesome background (in contrast to the models).

I liked the contrast between yellow and blue made by the sunset and the bluish sky. The way the sea glistens at this colour mix made me feel so cautivated. Furthermore, the sand gets a golden look under the sun beams.

I also have chosen this photo because of its dificulty to be taken, as I had to take it with a tripode, and to be honest, turned out to be tough as hell.