domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019


This film was directed by the well-known director George Méliàs, and was released in 1902. It was undoubtedly an outbreak in cinematography as it has a total lenght of 13 minutes, a never-seen-before one in those years. This short film shows a group of magicians who are willing to go and conquer the moon, and for such a task, they build a cannon-propelled capsule. Once they get to the moon, they colonize it right before a group of strange selenials (moon inhabitants) show up and arrest them. The magicians sneak away easily and return to earth; where they are welcomed by a parade.

About the technical side, we can tell the amount of creativity this film required to be shot, the use of different backgrounds, the fishbowl used to imitate the sea. Moreover, the costumes of the selenials actually pulled it off and both the snowing and the launching effects really made it.

YOU:A group of magicians are set in their obserbatory arguing about a topic.
NEED:They try to figure out how to travel to the moon and colonize it.
GO: They build the rocket and they are send to the moon.
SEARCH: Once they get there, they notice a few quirky phenomens.
FIND: After they plant their umbrella on the ground as a sign of colonization, a group of Selenials shows up.
TAKE: They are arrested and they are scolded to the king of the moon.
RETURN: They slip out and they comeback home, with a Selenial.
CHANGE: They do not really make a change, they are just welcomed by other humans.

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