miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Last we attended a cinema in Gros called Trueba where we watched a sort of short films made by students (except one), and we had the oportunity to talk directly with the director of some well-known films, Jon Garaño.
The film I enjoyed the most watching was, without any doubt, the last one, due to its great technical efects and actings. However, these ones were not actually students, but people with more expertise when it comes to act and edit. I though the topic they worked in was very important and the message against the bullying was clearly pictured.
If I had to choose one among the students, I will surely choose the one were two classmates were flirting and dating while the real main topic was always left apart until the final scene. The use of different angles and blurry efects was brilliant to create the atmosphere they were trying to bring into live. We, the viewers, were just focusing on the only outstanding event whilst a violence and abuse case was happening right behind.
I also feel in the need of mentioning the video set in the 17th century, about two lovers whose love was not accepted (because they were both girls) and where one of the lovers was considered a witch just to justify the bonfire. I enjoyed the film due to its content (telling a side of the Saint Inquisition that isn´t often mentioned) and its technical side, specifically the costumes they wore; they represented so well those ages.
Even though we were able to, we didn´t make too many questions (only Simon) as we didn´t feel like doing it, but I can tell I had a good time. We were also explained what did the directors do in order to  create the visual effects which tend to amaze us.

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