domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Social Media


As you all might have figured out, the Internet (and so the Social Medias) has been crucial for me to survive this quarantine. Thus, I really appreciate them. It sounds like I love the Internet, and I actually do. I know all the bad stuff that may be circulating through it but it offers connection with people that you would never have without it. Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and so on. All highly necessary to keep in touch with my friends. Also, this quarantine I've been using it (obviously) way more than usual. As I had much more time (I had the time I would use to go to school and attending classes), I would spend it undoubtedly. Thus, my English level has also improved a lot, as the 70% of the stuff I read online is in English. That's why I consider the Social Networks so vital for me.

Your favourite Social Media?
I can't choose just one, I consider a lot of them equally necessary. Starting off with Whatsapp which is just extremely useful and vital, a quick way of communicating through audios, messages, photos, videos, emojis... I actually can't name any disadvantages. Second we got Twitter, where I can interact more closely with my friends and I keep myself updated with interesting news (politics, famous people, social events...), the only disadvantage are the annoying people, there are too many (but at least is not Tik Tok). Third, Instagram, maybe the less important one, I basically use it to spy on people and stalk. Also, to bump into good memes and photos/videos I save on folders and then never watch them again. And finally, Youtube, the queen of endless content. I wouldn't really be alive without it, everything you need to find you can find it there. The only negative aspect would be the new postion of the coments, too disturbing; moreover, the new parental mode really pisses ne off, you can't browse other videos while watching the first one, it really really works me up.

In conclusion, those four would be the best social medias in order to be well: informed, entertained and conected with people.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Film Analysis

For this task we were asked to choose with music on it, and I thought A star is born would be perfect. Here's the analysis:

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


Here are some days of the quarantine recorded in audio, you can really tell I was having a breakdown in some 

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Photography rally

1. From a dog's point of view:

2. From a bird's point of view:

3. Find your initials:

4. Play with toys:

5. Abstract details:
6. Be egotistic:

7. Freeze the moment:

8. Tell a joke:

9. Create a story:

10. Absent-minded friends:

11. Play with food:

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020


In this ad we can see how sexually is the image of the women used, they are been stereotyped to be thin and use attractive high heels. Moreover, she is supposed to be exposed as an object for the white men standing in front of her, underestimating her worth as a human.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


This week we were asked to create a kind of "pitch" or draft of a story in comic version. As we could not use this idea on the human rights video, Paula and I decided to change it a bit and use the plot for this task. The plot consist on a kid who normalizes a bullying attitude (owning to his father's) and he starts spitting out every single negative thought that crosses his mind. His classmates, pissed off, tell him about it, and he does not handle the criticisism very well. Finally, he apologizes and then realizes they were not that offended.

Human rights video

We did not upload anything because we are still deciding which story to develop.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020


I think I slayed the the second term. Firstly, we won a prize in the Donostia Innovation Week Challenge, with our dearest baby, the Vagina-U. Everyone loved the product and I consider we worked so hard on it (the costs, the presentations, the materials, the marketing side...). Secondly, I did a great song video along with Asier, and we also made it pretty funny. We also created a hilarious heritage video with lots of complex elements. And finally, we did a good presentation of Man Ray with its respective photo covers.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Photographic genres

Studio photo: I chose this two photos as they show two different types of picture. In the first one, we can see a more professional one, with the aim of pointing out the quality of the make-up. Whereas in the second one, the photo is taken with a mobile phone, giving warmth and naturality to the pic.
Bokeh photo: It shows a mundane view a bit blurried and with a central flashlight, giving to it a dizzy atmosphere.

Candid photo: down here we can see two candid photos, in both of them the light plays a very important role. While in the one on the right it leads the stare to the light-point and so, the top part of the photo, in the one on the left the light improves the slight details of the hair (and the model as a whole), creating more vivid colors.

Food photo: two photos of two dishes with different strengths each. The first one shows a considerably elavorated dessert, a cheescake with varied fruits, the strong point of this photo resides on its complexity and lively colors. The second one, instead, is well-focused so you can really appreciate every little detail of the dish.

Portrait: we can see a cute photo with funny faces and intense lighting.

Floral photo: It's me staring at the "flowery" tree with its pinky colors while the sky turns its colors into more smooth ones, giving a relaxed vibe to the picture.

Background photo: A photo of an abandonated church which seems left unfinished. It has a misterious vibe as it is surrounded by a dense flora and a dry atmosphere.
Sport photo: A picture taken exactly before the shooting of the ball so we can focus on the pose of the player.

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020


I took this photo of Paula in class, maybe the background isn't the best one but the natural beauty of my model stands out so this slight mistakes can not screw the photo. The light is used as a contrast between her left and right profile (one filled with darkness and the other one sparkling). Anyway, the real achievement of this photo resides on the model's facial expression, a mixture between sassiness and boredom, with an inch of slyness.

Man Ray presentation

This is the link to the presentation of Man Ray, a trascendental photographer:
We were asked to do some presentations about famous and great photographers in history. Ekhi and I decided to take Man Ray. It waasn't our first choice (first we chose lachapelle but it was already taken), but we don't regret our choice as we were able to create some original and unique photograph in a Man Ray style.

And this is what we had to explain about him:

Man Ray borned the 27th of august in 1890 and died on the 18th of November 86 years later. He spent the most important parts of his life in New York and Paris, where he developed his art. These two places, are still very renowned for their glamour or love for the art and fashion, prove of this, for example, we have two of the most important fashion weeks that are celebrated in these cities. Man Ray’s creative life starts in New York, where he starts off getting inspired in the different expositions in the Alfred Stieglitz art gallery; and as a direct result of it, he organizes his first individual exposition in the Danielle Gallery in 1915. Another important fact about his life in New York, is that he married to Adon Lacroix, a poetry writer. In 1921, he settles in Paris, where he gives up on painting, as he assumes that the sale of his paintings is a failure, and he comes back to photography which was a great choice. 

Following the thing that we call “Found art”, Man Ray started focusing on surrealistic photos using that influence from the found art. Found art basically consists in making use of objects that we wouldn’t consider artistic to be used as models or to make sculptures with them. We also say that we can take sceneries that we wouldn’t consider artistic as a part of Found art.

In this photo, we can see a technique that Man Ray used a lot, the solarization. It’s a special type of illumination that happens when we use for the photo a light-sensible material. Apart from that, it uses the rule of odds with 7 fingers, and apart from that it’s also important to see the use of the close-up to the hands. It is a pretty simple photograph.

In our version, we kept it the same way, but we added to it a plant to give to it a more vivid style, still using the solarization technique, and as a result we created another simple photograph with that Man Ray style.

In this one, the first obvious fact is the symmetry, and it’s important to clarify the influence of the surrealism as he used the silhouette of a woman to create a violin kind of painting.

In our version, again, we added some more elements, as a dreamcatcher, but we kept the symmetry to maintain the essence of the photo. We also find in the background some more elements, especifically three paintings, and in this way we also respect the rule of odds mixed with the symmetry.

Eventually, in here, Man Ray created some leading lines with the hair, which is pretty interesting, and apart from that we also appreciate again the symmetry.

In ours, we added again surrealistic elements, in this case tweezers, and we maintained the symmetry but lost the leading lines in the hair, giving it a more a discontrolated focus. Indeed, we added then in the mid ground with the blanket, leading the lines to, in this case, me.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

Mock interview


Q: When were you born?
A: I was born long time ago, right after the creation of the universe, but I first showed up when humans were threatened by creatures of the dark.

Q: Are you famous around the world?
A: Oh my gosh yeah, I experienced my fame peak on the Paleolithic, when people of all the globe used to venerate me due to my all-mighty powers of creating fauna and flora.

Q:What inspired you to open this love-restaurant?
A: I was bored just preserving the nature while humans kept destroying it, and so I decided not to give a **** about it and start living my life.

Q: Sweet or salty?
A: I like vodka.

Q:Where would you like to live in?
A: In Africa, Melilla.

Q: Do you have any pet?
A: Humans are ma' pets.

Q: Are you in a relationship rn?
A: Vodka is my girlfriend.

Heritage cultural video

We were asked to make a video related to our cultural heritage so we decided to shoot a video recreating the famous TV program "First dates", dressed up as different Vasque mitological characters.

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

Photo tips

Last week we were asked to take some photos with the useful tips the Indian guy and Australian guy gave to us. I tried to take the more diverse photos I could but the weather got all cloudy and I got to refuse taking colorful and lightful photos.

In this first photo I started using the 3x3 grid lines to center the picture better. I placed the body of the church in the left side, the culture center in the right, and finally, the church tower in the middle, as I wanted it to stand out. It happened to appear an old woman all of a sudden, but as she was standing right in one of the four golden lines, she enriched the photo instead of spoiling it. Anyway, I personally like the super cloudy sky, as it has a regular white color.

In the second photo I framed those children playing with the veranda close to the camera. This way the pic is focused on the children, outstanding them. I also like the background as it has different colors and it changes the levels of height.

In this photo the viewer may feel like he/she/they is in the middle of the river owning to the proximity to the water and its fast movement. The natural background gives green colors to the picture and they make it seem more soft. I personaly loved the fell tree, that gives the photo a curious element.

In the fourth one I used the rule of odds as there were 3 trees standing in this favorable position, but to be honest I personally like it due to its vibrant colors and enchanted vibes.

In this photo I used the great effect of the guiding lines, as they give the sense of directioning to the centre. It makes the background smaller in comparison and it helps focusing on the bridge. I actually like a lot this photo as I love cold colors and darksy atmospheres.