lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

Photo tips

Last week we were asked to take some photos with the useful tips the Indian guy and Australian guy gave to us. I tried to take the more diverse photos I could but the weather got all cloudy and I got to refuse taking colorful and lightful photos.

In this first photo I started using the 3x3 grid lines to center the picture better. I placed the body of the church in the left side, the culture center in the right, and finally, the church tower in the middle, as I wanted it to stand out. It happened to appear an old woman all of a sudden, but as she was standing right in one of the four golden lines, she enriched the photo instead of spoiling it. Anyway, I personally like the super cloudy sky, as it has a regular white color.

In the second photo I framed those children playing with the veranda close to the camera. This way the pic is focused on the children, outstanding them. I also like the background as it has different colors and it changes the levels of height.

In this photo the viewer may feel like he/she/they is in the middle of the river owning to the proximity to the water and its fast movement. The natural background gives green colors to the picture and they make it seem more soft. I personaly loved the fell tree, that gives the photo a curious element.

In the fourth one I used the rule of odds as there were 3 trees standing in this favorable position, but to be honest I personally like it due to its vibrant colors and enchanted vibes.

In this photo I used the great effect of the guiding lines, as they give the sense of directioning to the centre. It makes the background smaller in comparison and it helps focusing on the bridge. I actually like a lot this photo as I love cold colors and darksy atmospheres.

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