martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Donostia Inovation Challenge


The first problem I could think of is the lack of public faucets, we all feel thirsty somewhen and, in my case, I am not able to find a tap to drink water. This may not be so important in winter, but it gets boiling in summer, and it mainly affects to the older people who just want not to faint due to the heat. I'd recommend setting in more faucets around the city, specially in the places meant to be for having a walk.


Finally, we decided to follow Xabier's proposal and cope with the increasing traffic jams. A majority of workers of San Sebastian need to commute in order to get to their jobs. Their puntuality is always under control and so this transport problem afffects directly not only to their businesses but to their anxiety, damaging their mental healt, and affecting to their work-efficiency. This delays produce a lot of pollution as they make cars drive for hours and hours. 

They, the drivers, want to have the right to drive around the city freely as long as they do not pollute. To achieve this goal, we have thought of an app that not only will help to reduce traffic jams in a significant way, but it will suggest you the best routes and the utopical speeds you should drive with.

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