martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Language challenge (with the French class)

This week we have done two kahoots with the French class about languages to see who knew more about European languages. The kahoots in English were made by our Audio-Visuals teacher, and the ones in French were writen by the French teacher.

The first one was in French, and to make things fair, we mixed up classes and split in 9 teams. At first the idea seemed exciting but as soon as the game started I got pissed off, I couldn't understand any question in french!

What worked me up too were the unproper manners of my teammates when it came to translating the questions, but ain't no tea ain't no shade.
We went through the questions in English easily, even though we answered properly just a handful of questions among 14.

We, as you can expect, didn't get to win any of the games, but no one can deny our joy during the proccess!

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