martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Video EDL (Dune, Alaia, Asier and I)

This time, we wanted to create a video that involved many European languages, as weel as the connections between them. This one was an amusing project, and we got down to work as soon as we were able to. Here I give an explanation about the process:

We were divided in teams, and I was matched with Alaia, Asier and Dune, which was an inspiring team.

Our idea consisted in creating our own show: Frinds & Relatives. The main purpose of the programme, in this special EDL edition, is to interview college students from different parts of Europe studying in the universities of UK. You would be for sure in awe due to the wide range there actually is. Moreover, it is expected that in the end of the show we will be presenting a special section, the Friends & Relatives' quiz show, asking some questions about different laguages.

Firstly, we decided to begin recording in Luberri's playground, shooting the scenes in different places of it.

As it is expected, we had to distrivute each one's role. Alaia offered herself to record everything. Asier thought to present himself to be the interviewer, and so  did he. Then, the only one's left had to be the students, so Dune and I took the roles as foreign students, without much complain.

Onintza, is a Basque student studying Economics, and as a good citizen, she likes the potato omelet.

Then was I, a Spanish youngster that apparently likes the UK, but why can not stan fish and chips.

Finally, together with Onintza, we find out a friend of her's, and you won't see it coming, she is German! Her name is Alaia, and she likes chucrut and potato omelet, the taste.

The editing process was tough, but we finally created a gorgeous artwork. Unluckily, we've had some issues. As soon as the video was edited, Asier accidentaly elimiated all the photos and videos used to create it. Then the app he used told him that the video couldn't be loaded as he didn't have the media requiered. He then decided to instantly look for a way to solve this, and after trying many methods, he wasn't able to find a solution to solve it. However, he'll upload the quiz show and the crashed video itself to see if you find something interesting in them.

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